Project of the Reconversion of Productive Lands with Enrichment of Species of commercial value

What are acahuales or huamiles or secondary forest?

Acahuales are forest vegetation that arises spontaneously on lands that are in agricultural or livestock use in tropical areas and that have tree species in recovery, or natural regeneration, in addition to various species of shrubs, with a diameter greater than 25 cm in addition to being a useful and immediate instrument to combat climate change.

General purpose.
Establish and maintain 500 hectares in a first stage, and gradually increase the surface in the 4 subsequent years.

Specific objective:
Obtain in the medium-term by-products of the planted forest species, such as pepper, Ramón and chicozapote, which increase the economic income of the applicant and from the socioeconomic point of view promote the generation of jobs in the community through a multiplier process.

Ecological objective:
Recovery of degraded areas or previously intervened for agricultural use, stopping the pressure that exists on permanent forest areas.

What activities are carried out?
Plantation of the ramón, pepper and chicozapote species to recover acahuales and abandoned agricultural areas.

What species are being planted?
Pimienta Gorda (Dioecious Pepper) (Pimienta dioica)
Ramón (Brosimun alicastrum) (Brosimun alicastrum)
Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota) (Manilkara zapota)

How many hectares recovered?
500 hectares recovered in the first year.
800 hectares recovered in the second year.
1000 hectares recovered in the third year.
1000 hectares recovered in the fourth year.
1000 hectares recovered in the fifth year.

How many ejidos participate?
4 communities in the first year: Caobas, Laguna OM, Tres Garantías and Noh-Bec.
8 communities in the second year.
10 communities in the third year.
14 communities in the fourth year.
14 communities in the fifth year.

How many families benefited?
130 producers in the first year.
200 producers in the second year.
220 producers in the third year.
300 producers in the fourth year.
300 producers in the fifth year.

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